Similar to carburizing and carbonitriding, ferritic nitrocarburizing is a case-hardening technique that uses heat, nitrogen and carbon to toughen up the surface of a steel part, improving its durability, appearance and corrosion resistance. Unlike many case hardening techniques, ferritic nitrocarburizing occurs at relatively low temperatures while the steel is in a ferritic phase, as opposed to an austenitic phase. The exact temperature depends on how the part will be used, but it’s typically between 950 degrees Fahrenheit and 1100 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures are low enough to prevent problems often associated with higher temperatures, such as distortion, while still allowing carbon and nitrogen to dissolve through the surface of the steel. Hardening techniques that use much more heat can cause distortion that has to be corrected, creating an extra step in the case-hardening process, costing valuable time and money. Virtually zero dimensional change makes FNC a common choice for surface hardening finish machined components across industries.